10 Hidden Gems & Curiosities From WWE Network

3. The Nasty Boys Vs. Cactus Jack And Maxx Payne - Spring Stampede 1994

Doink Jannetty

WCW's Spring Stampede in 1993 included one of the company's most archetypal pure brawls, when the Nasties faced Cactus Jack and Maxx Payne in a Chicago Street Fight. The result was predictably brutal, with the Nasties not holding back in battering Cactus Jack with a broken pool cue and the audience baying at every teasing of violence.

It was exactly this kind of match that caused Ted Turner to direct WCW towards a less violent, more family-friendly product to broaden its appeal and avoid conflict with TV carriers. Given the chair (and table) shots to the head, the brutal Cactus bumps and especially the shovel-wielding finale, it's not hard to see why the moneymen started getting squeamish.

Whether the furniture-destroying hardcore style is your cup of tea or not, this match stands as an example of how the other company used to book its brawls.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.