10 Hidden Talents You Didn’t Know WWE Wrestlers Have

5. Shinsuke Nakamura (Surfing)

Shinsuke Nakamura

Everybody's going surfing. Surfing Naka-mura-aaaaay. OK, that didn't work, at least nowhere near as well as surfing some waves works for SmackDown man Shinsuke Nakamura. The former Intercontinental Champion is a keen surfer, and he has been since taking up the hobby in his native Japan.

WWE once even shot Shin in action.

In between stiff matches inside the ring, Nakamura can be found chilling with his board and making the most of beaches all around the world. He regularly posts pictures on his Instagram page from his travels, and Shinsuke makes sure to surf whenever he's on tour with WWE and has the chance.

The same could be said for a lot of these entries, but this would totally be Nakamura's gimmick if he wrestled in the mid-'90s WWF. He'd be the world's first 'evil foreign menace surfer dude'. That's the kind of thing action figure companies would've loved back then.

Only joking.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.