10 Hidden Talents You Didn’t Know WWE Wrestlers Have

4. Lacey Evans (Yodeling)

Lacey Evans Yodeling

Remember when WWE made Cesaro look like a laughing stock by asking him to yodel on his way to the ring for matches? That was supposedly some crude method designed to help the Swiss wrestling machine come out of his shell as a performer. It only made him look foolish.

Lacey Evans could just about get away with it.

She's a much more proficient yodeler that Cesaro, and she proved it several years ago before working the first ever Mae Young Classic. Lacey has also been shown yodeling like a woman possessed in videos on WWE's official YouTube channel. Eat your heart out, Cesaro.

It might seem laughable, but yodeling takes a lot of skill to pull off properly. It relies on clever pitch changes between a high and low register, and requires the singer to seamlessly shift their 'chest voice' and breathing so they can perform it deftly.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.