10 Highest-Paid WWE Wrestlers Of 2021

6. Becky Lynch - $3.1 Million

Kevin Owens money

Finally making her triumphant return to the squared-circle at SummerSlam 2021 after becoming The Mom, Becky Lynch takes the female top spot as the woman bringing home the most moola as an active WWE worker, as of writing.

She may have spent over a year away growing a child, bringing it into the world, and then training like a madwoman to get into the shape of her career, but Big Time Becks slipped straight back into Sports Entertainment life like she'd never missed a beat. It's this ability to quickly pick back up where she left off as one of the finest talkers and all-round workers - both inside and outside of the ring - that makes her cool $3.1 million payday an absolute no-brainer... and a bit of a steal when you consider just how big a star The Man actually is in the 2021 pop culture landscape.

Sure, her recent in-ring booking hasn't been the most captivating of developments to behold, with numerous screwy finishes accompanying her newfound heelish ways, but her Survivor Series show-stealer with real-life bitter rival Charlotte Flair acted as a welcome return to form for this Irish icon.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...