10 Highest-Paid WWE Wrestlers Of 2021

5. AJ Styles - $3.5 Million

Kevin Owens money

It's been a funny old time for The Phenomenal One over the last year or so. After a critically acclaimed cinematic spectacle with The Deadman at 'Mania 36, AJ Styles would transition into something of a mid-card gatekeeper before taking up his most recent role as wise veteran imparting his wisdom on sidekick-turned-recent-enemy Omos.

But despite slipping out of the main event scene, WWE will likely feel as though they're still getting a decent enough return on their $3.5 million-a-year investment on the former WWE Champion, with Styles consistently holding down the Monday Night fort and still acting as one of the most popular workers in the company.

A quick listen to the noise that greeted Styles at Money in the Bank, the first PPV to hold a full house post-pandemic times, tells you all you need to know about the calibre of star WWE still have in their ranks, should they feel the need to pull the trigger on another long-anticipated run at the top. But with that sort of money dropping into his account yearly, you can bet this universally adored name doesn't give a toss what Vinnie Mac has him doing until his current deal expires in 2024.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...