10 Highest-Paid WWE Wrestlers Of 2021

4. Seth Rollins - $4 Million

Kevin Owens money

Another one of WWE's Mr. Reliables joins the upper echelons of the payroll now as Seth Rollins laughs all the way to the bank on a yearly basis.

Again, it's not difficult to see why WWE are so willing to part ways with a staggering $4 million by the calendar year to compensate The Architect for his work under their banner. The one-time Universal Champion can routinely be counted on to run with whatever storyline McMahon sends his way, with his 2021 alone seeing him slug it out with Cesaro, engage in a bitter feud with Edge, and most recently go to war with WWE Champion Big E as he sets his sight on regaining his place at the top of the mountain.

Banging the company drum whenever the opportunity to do so arises, for better or worse, the chance of Rollins following the likes of Bray Wyatt and Braun Strowman as a big earner suddenly cut from the roster despite acting as one of WWE's apparent pillars seems pretty much non-existent. So, expect to see The Visionary occupying the upper-mid-card to main event Sports Entertainment picture until he finally decides to let the next generation carry the company flag.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...