10 Highly Underrated WWE Wrestler Themes

8. Slow Chemical - Kane

Kane has had many themes over the years and, somehow, they've all managed to sound pretty similar.

Another example of Jim Johnston's genius, Kane's first two themes - "Burned" and "Out Of The Fire" - didn't just sound the same name-wise, but musically too. Both had demonic overtones and conjured up hellish images of eternal infernos and everything your mother said would happen to you if you watched "those videos" again.

These themes were the soundtrack to Kane's golden age. He had the mask, he had the mystique, he had the badass wig. It was all there.

In 2002, things went a bit wrong for Kane in the eyes of most fans. He lost a match with Triple H that meant he had to remove his mask and so began almost a decade of "The Big Bald Monster", a run that divides hardcore Kanenites to this day.

The division surrounding this period means that Kane's theme from 2002-8 - "Slow Chemical" by Canadian group, Finger Eleven - gets overlooked, which is a real shame.

Yes, this theme isn't very demonic and it was weird to have a Kane theme you could sing along with, but it was still dark and demented and sounded a lot more, well, human than Kane's other themes. Perfect for the much more human version of his character.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.