10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

1. Paul Rudd

We end with the episode which inspired a thousand memes.

At this point you're probably more than aware that most of the truly memorable Hot Ones entries have involved a thoroughly likeable guest who completely let their guard down in the heat of battle.

Paul Rudd stands as the top example of an already amiable human being becoming that much more delightful as the wings started to dial up.

Displaying a complete lack of poker face throughout his spell on the show, we felt every single bite as Rudd's eyes glossed over more and more with each soul-crushing bite.

It wasn't all doom and gloom, however, as Rudd taught Evans how to take a picture which made it look like a butt was hovering over the poor soul in the frame. Who knew placing your pinky at just the right angle would make such a believable scrotum, ey?

This engaging instalment was topped off by one of the most replayed moments in Hot Ones history. Rudd and Evans tipped a little bit from every single hot sauce bottle out onto the table and took part in the most epic of last dabs.

The legendary 'Look at us. Who would've thought? Not me!' exchange followed and Rudd's name was etched into Hot Ones history forever.

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Hot Ones
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...