10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

2. Gordon Ramsey

We've now made it to arguably the most requested guest in Hot Ones history.

The harshest critic in all of the wing eating world, superchef Gordon Ramsay.

Evans began the interview by stating that this show was 'for the fans' and that he was 'nervous, in a good way'. However, in reality it was probably the Brit who should have been the more anxious of the two.

Ramsey's blazing temper was well and truly matched by the fiery wings before him, and by the time he made it to the game-changing 'Da Bomb' (which has scorched so many of our entries on this list) he had no choice but to bring in the back-up brigade - in the form of a bottle of Pepto Bismol, limes and donuts.

In the midst of his struggles, Ramsey gave his opinion on those making activated charcoal food by declaring that they 'have too much time on their hands' and he also lambasted everything from spaghetti donuts to sushi croissants.

It may have taken an endless supply of antidotes and more 'f*cks' than an entire season of Hell's Kitchen, but Ramsey eventually made it to the end and probably wished he'd never bothered in the first place.

You can bet that his mouth was 'F*CKING RAW!', but that still didn't stop him from teaching Evans how to make the perfect scrambled eggs post-mouth melting.

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Hot Ones
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...