10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

8. Neil DeGrasse Tyson

When Neil DeGrasse Tyson speaks, it's wise to settle down and get comfy because not only will some wonderful entertainment surely be on its way, but also a knowledge bomb that is capable of blowing your head to smithereens. 'Da Bomb' ain't got nothing on this astrophysicist.

Again proving to be something of a spice specialist, Tyson refused to allow the increasing temperatures get the better of him and as the challenge went on his philosophical verbiage only began to grow more compelling.

However, the absolute standout moment from this interview had to be the masterstroke segment that Evans put together, involving Tyson evaluating certain rappers' science inspired rap lyrics.

In dissecting Kanye West's rap in 'Gettin' it in' by Jadakiss, which featured the lines 'I ain't famous! My apologies, are you into astrology? Cus, um..I'm tryin' to make it to Uranus', Tyson clarified that Uranus is actually pronounced 'UR-IN-US'. Therefore West's lyrics weren't just juvenile, they were also factually incorrect.

Hitting absolute Tyson-overdrive after finishing all ten wings, the general mastermind of the universe let Evans know that the top four active atoms in life and our bodies are the same as the top four chemically active atoms in the rest of the universe - hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen. This means that we are not 'special' because we don't contain special ingredients. However, while we still live within the universe, the universe lives within us.

I need a lie down.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...