10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

7. Ricky Gervais

Chomping down on vegan wings throughout, Ricky Gervais was his usual hilariously dry self during his entire run on Hot Ones.

From the get-go he called out Evans for dressing like he was about to take part in a 'drive-by' and by sauce number three he was already confessing to be 'such a f*cking wimp'.

Typically producing a creative segment to suit his guest at that time, Evans invited Gervais - a known animal enthusiast - to guess whether his 'bizarre, interesting animal fun facts' were true or false.

Gervais proved just how clued up he was on his critters as he answered Evans' fact, on how big the largest spider in the world was, before the host had even finished. The goliath bird-eater tarantula can grow to a stonking 12 inches long. Cheers for that, Ricky!

Dropping out before the final two wings (joining the Hot Ones Hall of Shame) Gervais openly admitted that he hoped Evans' became a super successful host so that he wouldn't have to do this again. He then acted out wiping a tear away from his eye and said 'that's my boy'...which was a big mistake.

As his eyes filled up with genuine tears (thanks to the sauce now lodged in his eyeball) Gervais finished the interview by comparing Evans' bald head to that of Karl Pilkington's.

Evans' was apparently 'not as round'. Also, Pilkington looks more like a 'shaved monkey with human clothes on', whereas Evans looks as though he's 'been through something' and 'much more street'.

If you didn't know, now you do.

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Hot Ones
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...