10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

4. Shia LaBeouf

Hot One's has a habit of revealing the true colours of a celebrity.

When the pressure starts to rise those wings separate the strong from the weak and the divas from the gritty average joes.

Shia Labeouf definitely fell into that latter category. His stint on the show was crammed full of endearing personal stories and a willingness to strip as much meat off the bone as possible...a move which proved to be unwise towards the end of the session.

Evans also produced another fantastic true or false segment here, where Labeouf was tasked with confirming or denying myths about himself. Labeouf confirmed that - at just 11 years-old - he got his first agent after phoning her up and pretending to be the British manager of a hot young talent known as Shia LaBeouf. He also stressed that he only refused to shower and legitimately shaved his tooth down to the gum-line whilst filming Fury to 'rally the troops'.

LaBeouf also mentioned the time he gave Kanye West his Indiana Jones hat and spoke of his wrestling skirmishes with Tom Hardy whilst working on Lawless, all while analysing both the despicable wings and the host's approach to the challenge.

Though a single tear did trickle down the cheek of the pop culture icon after 'Da Bomb' had gone off in his mouth, his overall performance on the show was admirable and proved that he was a deeply likeable fellow, too.

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Hot Ones
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...