10 Hot Ones Episodes You Need To Watch

5. 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin

When the Texas Rattlesnake himself, 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin wandered onto the Hot One's set in late 2019, you had to know that all hell would inevitably break loose at some point.

However, for a change it wasn't Austin causing the chaos. This time the tiny chicken treats in front of him were whooping his ass for 30 minutes straight. Though, you'd be forgiven for thinking this wasn't the case as the former WWE wrestler didn't flinch once during the entire experience.

In one of the lighter moments in the interview, Evan's deep Instagram dive on Austin revealed a photo of one of 'Stone Cold's margaritas and this led to Austin breaking down exactly what goes into making one of his signature cocktails. He recommends using Patron Silver tequila and pouring one 3oz shot of that into a shaker. Add 1oz of triple sec, 1oz of lime juice (no more than that or you're a 'rookie') a dash of agave nectar and then shake it up real nice.

From delving into the importance of reading and listening to a crowd when performing in the ring to explaining how he went about designing his own Broken Skull IPA beer, Austin came across as both extremely articulate and a bonafide badass from bite one to bite ten.

It must be noted that Austin did confess towards the latter stages that he wasn't a 'hot person', but his steely nerves and unflappable cool in the face of blistering heat definitely suggested otherwise.

And that's the bottom line because 'Stone Cold' says so!

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Hot Ones
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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...