10 Huge Consequences Of John Cena WWE Injury

6. WrestleMania 32 Is A Disaster

WrestleMania 32 just isn't that strong of a show. Even before Cena's injury, it was already shaping up as a massive disappointment. Rollins was out, Orton was out, the creative has been weak, and many other things have been acting as a black mark against the heavil-hyped event. But nothing can compare to the devastation of losing Cena from the card. He has been the one real full-time star, the one proven draw for bringing in a mass audience. This is a man with nearly eight million followers on Twitter, when WWE as a company only has just under six million. He's more popular than the WWE itself! There will undoubtedly be less buys and less WWE Network subscribers for 'Mania, based solely on Cena not wrestling. He's got that popularity and hold on his fanbase. The Cenation is an actual thing, not just some invention of the WWE machine. WrestleMania is so much weaker without him, and WWE will have to accept the event may not be as commercially or critically successful.
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John Cena
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WWE Writer

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