10 Huge Consequences Of John Cena WWE Injury

7. Training Style Must Change In WWE

If you follow John Cena on social media, you'll know that he lifts some seriously heavy weights. While undoubtedly impressive, that isn't always good for the human body. Pressure on his joints and muscles must be immense, and he's been lifting aggressively for over two decades now. There's a good chance that the shoulder was a training injury, rather than an in-ring one. That should make WWE think about monitoring the way their guys train. It isn't just Cena, but also guys like Cesar who also trains like a beast and often shares videos showing him lifting tremendous weight. As it happens, he's also now out for a long time with a shoulder injury. Somehow I don't think that's a coincidence. WWE have to think about their growing injury list and take action. Losing Cena is the final straw, as guys are getting hurt way too often.
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