10 Huge Consequences Of John Cena WWE Injury

4. Loss Of Money And Perception

John Cena is a veritable gold mine for WWE, earning the company truckloads of money beyond just Raw and Network shows. Merchandise was his big area, from which he made huge royalties, and from which WWE benefited greatly. The company is now looking at nine months with reduced exposure for John Cena t-shirts, baseball caps, hoodies and the numerous other Cena-emblazoned products that always ranked #1 at the merch stands. But it isn't just that - Cena was also the go-to guy for representing the company. He worked closely with business partners on endorsement deals and was a major player for work behind-the-scenes, such as charity initiatives. Without him, WWE won't be perceived as well, because many of their business partners only identify with Cena. In terms of money, the losses are obvious - Cena was a brand in himself, and now he's gone for nine months. WWE are weaker without him, and that means financially.
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