10 Ideas WWE Blatantly STOLE From WCW

1. More Than One “World Title”


That "new" WWE World Heavyweight Championship is the old WCW World Title with a big WWE logo slapped in the middle of it. This isn't the first time Vince McMahon's company has used that title design though - they introduced the same belt (sans WWE motif) back in 2002, but dropped the WCW branding.

Fans aren't daft.

Having more than one World Title on your books isn't something unique to WWE either. WCW had both the NWA and "International" straps knocking around on the product in the early-1990s. They then unified the latter one with a newly-minted WCW World Title to create one identifiable "World" belt.

Today, WWE has three top prizes. So, in short, the promotion claimed the original "Big Gold Belt" as their own, then echoed WCW by running multiple World Championships in the same company. History has (sort of) repeated itself.

What else has WWE nabbed from old rival WCW over the years? For more like this, check out WWE 2K23: 18 Best Legends CAWs You Must Download and 10 Wrestlers Who Peaked In Their First Match!

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