10 Ideas WWE Blatantly STOLE From WCW

9. Eric Bischoff’s Evil Boss Gimmick


Smug pr*ck heel Eric Bischoff joined the nWo party in November 1996. Why is that significant? Well, 'Easy E' was irking wrestling fans and babyfaces alike by working the evil boss gig well over a full year before Vinnie Mac started appearing as the tyrannical "Mr. McMahon" character.

Well over a full year!

McMahon's iconic feud vs. Steve Austin is often portrayed as groundbreaking for numerous reasons, and it definitely deserves loads of praise. However, it wasn't actually that original. No, Bischoff had been working the 'evil owner' gimmick in '96, and doing so successfully. As successfully as Vince? Nah, which is why most forget about it.

It'd be unfair to gloss over Eric's role in the nWo though. He was important to Hollywood Hogan's presentation, and provided an authoritative air during duelling promos with Hulk's babyface foes. "Mr. McMahon" was a WWF-ified version of this, and took the idea of an egotistical boss to greater heights, but it wasn't as revolutionary as it seemed.

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Rey Mysterio
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.