10 Ideas WWE Blatantly STOLE From WCW

3. Hell In A Cell Is WWE’s WarGames


'What if we put a roof on it?'. That suggestion apparently came from the lips of one Jim Cornette, who also pitched that the new-fangled cage design allow for some brawling around ringside whilst still locked up. Hell In A Cell was born, and it seemed so fresh and original in 1997.

It was based on WarGames, let's be honest.

WWE would eventually bring the old NWA/WCW favourite to screens in 2017, but they palmed off the notion of WarGames for decades. Palmed off, but didn't dislike - HIAC was a rejigged take on the fearsome look of that WarGames cage. Using mesh instead of painted blue bars was also a total departure for the WWF at the time.

From a distance, both setups looked fairly similar to fans watching on. WarGames had the double-cage, sure, but Hell In A Cell's intimidating scale made up for the fact it was just one structure rather than two.

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Rey Mysterio
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.