10 Images Showcasing The Precise Moments When WWE Careers Ended

8. The Dean Douglas IC Title Reign That Never Was

Dean Douglas was the challenger for Shawn Michaels' Intercontinental Title at the October 1995 In Your House PPV. Douglas was a newcomer who WWE had high hopes for, giving him the gimmick of an arrogant Dean who claimed that he was there to educate us on how the world works. They were so high on the gimmick that they wanted to put Douglas over Michaels for the IC Title. Since Michaels was moving on up to the WWE Title soon after, it made sense. However, when it came time for the match, Michaels forfeited the title to Douglas due to a legitimate fight that Michaels had at a Syracuse nightclub. Shawn was beat up by some guys at a bar and wasn't fit to compete on the show. Douglas had one of the least memorable title reigns ever as he was forced to defend the gold against Razor Ramon right away. He went on to lose the title to Ramon that night and never came close to getting it back. In fact, he never wrestled for WWE again (his last appearance was introducing substitute Buddy Landell at the December In Your House event). Two months after his title reign, Douglas went back to ECW where he reinvented himself as the group's World Champion and the leader of the Triple Threat.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.