10 Incredible WWE Attitude Era Moments Nobody Ever Talks About

7. Blood But No Fire

Undetaker Viscera Big Show

At King of the Ring 1998, and within a year of his explosive debut, Kane would get shot at the WWF Championship; facing the company's biggest star Stone Cold Steve Austin, in a "First Blood Match".

The rules were that the combatant who made his opponent bleed from the face or the mouth would be crowned the winner, and thus the new champion. This stacked the odds against Austin as Kane's attire covered all but his left hand, meaning that it would be almost impossible to determine if he was bleeding.

So confident was the challenger, that Kane promised he would set himself on fire should he lose.

The match-up itself was pretty good. Austin was just so over with the crowd, and fans needed to know how he could win, or if Kane's promise would be acted upon. However, after a wayward chairshot from the interfering Undertaker connected with Stone Cold's forehead, busting him open, the bell was rung.

Kane's his first championship reign had begun.

So, for such a pivotal moment in the career of The Big Red Machine, why isn't this moment so well remembered for its build, drama and execution? Well, unfortunately for the main eventers of the evening, their contest followed that the very famous "Hell in a Cell" match between The Undertaker and Mankind. Plus, Kane's reign would be incredibly short-lived. The ink wasn't even dry in the record books when, less than 24 hours later, Austin regained the Championship.

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