10 Incredibly Odd Commercials Starring WWE Stars

9. Hulk Hogan - Right Guard

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCwzdzA-01Q Irony was the name of the game for Hulk Hogan and the Right Guard Sport Stick when the Hulkster teamed up with the brand to sell deodorant. But the Hulkster here isn't quite right: there€™s no outlandish tights, hyperbolic speak, or even a €œbrother€ in sight. Instead, we are treated to a masterful symphony that provides a soundtrack to Hogan€™s divine work: the tiniest painting in the world. The most shocking part of the advertisement is the fact that Hogan didn€™t go all James Franco on us. Can you imagine the poetry books? How about the oil paintings depicting his body slam of Andre? What about the auto-biographical novels that aren€™t really auto-biographical novels, featuring funny childhood photos and odd haikus about life in Venice Beach? Sadly, we wrestling fans were treated to none of these artistic ventures. All we got was Hogan on the shore in some stupid pants, shilling us about perspiration.

Nick Boisseau is a feature writer and poet, currently existing on the fringe of academia. He holds a B.S. in History and is a graduate of the September 2006 class of Storm Wrestling Academy. @DBBNick DonnyBrookBoys.com