10 Incredibly Odd Commercials Starring WWE Stars

7. Ultimate Warrior - Slim Jim

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNEd4KH_A4s Before Randy Savage cornered the market in Slim Jim promotions, recent WWE Hall of Fame inductee The Ultimate Warrior was given a crack at advertising the product. A group of pre-teens, who are ahead of their time by being depressed and lethargic about 4 years before Nirvana€™s €œNevermind€ even released, hang out in their garage man cave pondering what to do with themselves. Suddenly, the garage door opens to reveal The Warrior with his box of Slim Jims. The 80s were clearly a rough time for Warrior, a wilderness during which he wandered the streets aimlessly with processed meat, trying to lure kids into his One Warrior Nation van with promises of excitement and a fulfilled life. You should never take candy from strangers, but apparently it's fine to take meat sticks from face-painted trespassers. The kids and Warrior proceed to snap into each Slim Jim, causing the entire garage to explode with each delicious bite. Kool-Aid really missed the boat by using a generic, over-sized pitcher of their product to smash up kids€™ houses. They should€™ve just gone with the Ultimate Warrior who had the "destructive" thing down pat.

Nick Boisseau is a feature writer and poet, currently existing on the fringe of academia. He holds a B.S. in History and is a graduate of the September 2006 class of Storm Wrestling Academy. @DBBNick DonnyBrookBoys.com