10 Incredibly Odd Commercials Starring WWE Stars

4. Kane - Stacker 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiWYEf4wAeM Stacker 2 definitely gives IcoPro a run for its money as the most featured advertisement for any stretch of time on WWE programming. Many WWE superstars were used in the ads, such as Big Show, Chyna, Triple H, and Trish Stratus, but Kane was featured in the oddest campaign of the bunch. The commercials featured Kane in several different scenarios, like singing karaoke or riding on a razor scooter. Kane would then be harassed by a fat man in a sweat suit and headband, in the hopes that the WWE Superstar would chase him so that he could burn fat. Stacker 2 would then be introduced as the €œsmarter way to burn fat€ to the television audience. The commercials were actually quite clever and the sight of Kane doing these activities in full wrestling gear was quite comical. Although, it makes you wonder why RVD had to wear jeans in the 7-11 commercial?

Nick Boisseau is a feature writer and poet, currently existing on the fringe of academia. He holds a B.S. in History and is a graduate of the September 2006 class of Storm Wrestling Academy. @DBBNick DonnyBrookBoys.com