10 Incredibly Odd Commercials Starring WWE Stars

3. Keiji Mutoh, Kensuke Sasaki, Masahiro Chono - Wrestle Kingdom 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Izv3PRZB7n0 These guys might not have been WWE Superstars but since Vince owns all their footage from NWA and WCW, they qualify to be thrown into the mix. Nobody does advertising like the Japanese can do advertising. This commercial for the Wrestle Kingdom video game series features all three of these former WCW stars about to do battle with each other. We get close-ups of their eyes and then one of them does the comical €œbig swallow,€ because apparently he€™s scared to death at the prospects of what could happen next€and I would be to. Suddenly, with no regard for how stimulating this could become for the consumer, all three men rip off their t-shirts and engage in a Playstation free-for-all. Once again we are treated to our favorite pro wrestlers wearing jeans, because apparently depicting them playing a video game in their gear is ridiculous, but showing them playing a video game while shirtless and oiled up is totally legit. Yes, all your favorite New Japan versus All Japan fantasy matches (and erotic fan fiction) can come to life with your copy of Wrestle Kingdom 2!

Nick Boisseau is a feature writer and poet, currently existing on the fringe of academia. He holds a B.S. in History and is a graduate of the September 2006 class of Storm Wrestling Academy. @DBBNick DonnyBrookBoys.com