10 Indie Stars Who Were Supposed To Be The Next Big Thing

7. Super Dragon

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd4lhYU05ro You'd be hard pressed to find an independent wrestler with as big or as dedicated a cult following as Super Dragon. He first started getting noticed in the late 90s, impressing some of WCW's luchadores during a tour of Mexico (with his friend and WCW wrestler Blitzkrieg). His reputation was made on the indies, particularly in CZW and PWG (which he co-founded). His head-dropping, crowd-baiting act was a hit with the hardcore crowds. In nearly every one of his matches, he would dangerously plant someone on their skull and challenge a fan to a fight. It was a riot. He was also unafraid to take punishment and would regularly take a serious beating in gimmick matches. The upshot was that he suffered some pretty serious injuries, including a couple of really bad concussions. He has been in semi-retirement for several years now, although he did return for the first time in a long time at a recent PWG show. With his reckless ring style and loose physique, he probably never had a chance of making it to WWE, but his rabid fan base would have you think he was a star-in-the-making.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...