10 Infamous WWE Conspiracy Theories

5. Randy Savage Is Blacklisted From The Hall Of Fame

Randy Savage Stephanie Mcmahon

Every year the discussion comes up of why Randy Savage isn't in the Hall of Fame? He is certainly the most glaring omission, and people were certain that he was a shoo-in after his death in 2011. He actually seems strangely absent from mention in the WWE in general. He left the WWE in 1994 and never returned for another appearance, even though the WWE had multiple opportunities to bring him back in one form or another. So what gives?

Rumor has it that Randy Savage had an affair with an underage Stephanie McMahon. Vince got word of this and decided to not renew his contract, later claiming that the two could not reach an agreement and left mutually.

It isn't even known if the tryst between the two even took place, but as the years go by, it seems more and more plausible that it may be the reason McMahon has held a grudge against him for so many years.

He was such an iconic superstar of his time so whatever Savage did must have been pretty bad. Aside of being included in WWE 2k14, he has been persona non grata in the WWE. He may be inducted next year, or maybe the year after that, but until it happens, fans will always murmur about his affair with Stephanie.


Brandon Tischer is an avid wrestling fan who has been watching since he was a kid. He, along with his friends, have made a pact to never miss a Wrestlemania together.