10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

Broken bones and torn muscles have helped shape the course of wrestling history.

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Injuries are part and parcel of a wrestler's world. You can't do the things that they do without picking up a few knocks here and there. For the most part, though, that's exactly what they are - knocks. It's only now and then that a proper injury comes along that changes it all.

And yet, sometimes, the worst does happen. Injuries strike which take competitors out of the ring for months at a time or sometimes end careers. Broken bones see them having to change their entire wrestling style and often they return as a shell of a perform they once were. On rare occasions, though, they come back better than ever.

If you look back through WWE's history, it has been shaped as much by those accidents as it has the decisions of those in charge. Entire storylines are derailed and pushes are brought skidding to a halt if somebody goes down and requires time on the sidelines.

For better or worse, injuries can change a wrestler's entire career and, alongside it, the history of WWE.

10. Finn Balor

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Four weeks. That’s how long Finn Balor got to spend on the main roster before the injury that would take him out for six to nine months. One day. That’s how long Finn Balor was Universal Champion before he had to relinquish the belt due to the injury that would take him out for six to nine months. It really isn’t fair.

Finn Balor is one of those wrestlers that has it all. Put him in the ring with anyone and he’ll put on a clinic, while his Demon King persona has the potential to be fascinating and highly marketable. He is built to be a star, and he shows that everywhere he goes. Which is what makes it so incredibly frustrating that when he got that chance in WWE injury would take it away.

Now, Balor is young enough that he will come back and I’m sure he will be after that title again when he does. Plus, the fact we got Kevin Owens as our replacement is hardly bad, but who knows what we are missing out on. WWE was going full in on the lad from Ireland, and we might never see him get that kind of opportunity again.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83