10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

5. Edge

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Edge’s retirement still feels like a bit of a shock. One night the Rated R Superstar was successfully defending the World Title against Alberto Del Rio at WrestleMania, the next it was all over. His neck injuries had added up, and the risks of continuing were too much. It was a blow not only to the man himself but the entire company.

For a long time, Edge had been the kind of talent that WWE could hang their hat on. An eleven-time World Champion and a twelve-time Tag Team Champion there wasn't much you could place at his feet that he wouldn't pull off.

More importantly perhaps, he would have the perfect hand to help bring in a new generation. The likes of Seth Rollins would have benefited greatly from feuds with Edge, and his retirement took that all away from us.

It even stripped us of a proper Edge and Christian reunion on TV, although it did arguably lead to Christian’s first World Title in WWE which can be counted as a blessing. At least we have the Edge & Christian show (that totally reeks of awesomeness, by the way)...


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83