10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

6. Triple H

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Love him or loathe him it is hard to deny that The Game has one hell of a history in WWE. Yet, it’s a history that misses out one of the biggest angles (even if it did flop) of all time. The Invasion.

That was due to his left quad coming completely off the bone during a tag team bout on Raw. And if you ever doubt the King of King’s toughness you only need to remember that he went on to finish that match.

Not only did this mean the end of any chance of Triple H leading his father in law’s company to glory in The Invasion, but it also put a stop to the burgeoning McMahon-Helmsley era. His on-screen partnership with Stephanie McMahon (which continues both on and off screen to this day) was one of the hottest things on TV at the time and who knows how it would have played into the angle.

The Cerebral Assassin came back and quickly regained his place at the top of the company, much to the anger of many, but the nine months he missed were some of the most exciting (and ultimately disappointing) in WWE history. The presence of The Game might have done a bit to arrest that slump towards the mediocre.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83