10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

3. Bret Hart

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

The end of Bret Hart’s career is one hell of a sad full stop. Following a thrust kick to the head from Goldberg, Hart sustained a concussion in 1999 from which he never truly recovered. The post-concussion syndrome would eventually force his retirement from wrestling and The Best There Was, The Best There Is and the Best There Ever Will Be went out on a dud note.

Considering the next few years saw WCW's purchase by Vince McMahon, it’s hard to say where Hart would have ended up otherwise, but the possibilities are endless. We might have seen The Hitman patch things up with his former employer a lot quicker and what would have surely been a money making feud between him and Mr McMahon could have taken place during The Invasion, while they were both still at least a bit closer to their prime.

Or maybe Hart would have taken to the Indies. TNA would have surely had him, and his influence on ROH’s style can’t be denied, so if he’d been around in their early days you can only imagine they would have found a place for him (if they could afford him, that is).

The fact of the matter is that Bret Hart is one of the best to ever pull on a pair of boots. Even if we had got only one or two more years from him, it would have been one or two years of potential brilliance, no matter where it took place.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83