10 Injuries That Shaped WWE History

2. Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels Back Injury

Who didn’t shed a tear when Shawn Michaels lost his smile?

Okay, plenty still think that the Showstopper faked his knee injury to get out of dropping the belt to Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13.

However, a year later when he retired following WrestleMania XIV it was hard to throw such accusations his way. During a Casket Match with Undertaker HBK herniated two disks in his back and crushed one completely.

Now, we all know Shawn Michaels eventually came back and if anything this injuries biggest legacy could well be the way it forced Michaels to turn his life around. It was during his time off from wrestling that he found God and took steps to make up for his often poor behaviour.

However, from the view of a pure wrestling fan, Shawn Michaels' injury took away years of great in-ring work. Whatever fault you may find with the man behind the character when Michaels was on the mat you paid attention, and you only have to see his feuds with Triple H and Chris Jericho when he returned to wonder just what we missed out on.


A lover of wrestling, heavy music and films with disturbed minds. Follow me at https://twitter.com/Iversen83