10 Most Innovative WWE Superstars Of All Time

5. Macho Man Randy Savage

Oooooooooooh yeah! Macho Man Randy Savage was a mega star in the 1980s thanks to his totally over-the-top personality and innovative ring style. Other wrestlers, who were used to relying on stalling, restholds and other shortcuts to get through matches could only sit back and marvel at the timing, speed and execution of the Macho Man. Fans watched in awe as Savage flew through the air and delivered his patented elbow drop. Savage also had an innovative interview style and character, as well as some truly outrageous ring gear. He was the total package. As macho as you thought you were, you would never be as macho as Savage in his prime. A hall of fame induction is surely forthcoming. Nobody deserves it more.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...