10 Most Innovative WWE Superstars Of All Time

6. Sabu

Considering he was trained by his uncle, the legendary Original Sheik, it is no surprise that Sabu would be an innovator in wrestling. Initially trained in the basics and technical wrestling, Sabu left that behind and patterned himself after his uncle albeit with a few twists. It was in Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling in Japan in the early 90s that Sabu would perfect the moves that made him a star later in ECW. In FMW Sabu regularly teamed with his uncle and chaos usually ensued scarring his body along the way. Barb wire death matches were the norm, you see. Sabu brought his ECW in 93 and made an immediate impression on the bloodthirsty audience. Some of Sabu's innovations include his chair-assisted offence, his refusal to talk or do promos and, significantly, his table breaking. Although not the first to put his opponent through the wood, Sabu definitely popularised it. Many times after a match he would moonsault himself through a table just to put over how crazy he was. Sabu's stint in WWECW in 2006 proved that he was just as crazy and innovative as ever.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...