10 Most Insane Characters In Wrestling History

7. Dean Ambrose

Jonathan Good may only have been wrestling on national television for a couple of years, but his €˜lunatic fringe€™ persona goes back to his indie days as Jon Moxley. Working in Insanity Pro Wrestling, Combat Zone Wrestling and Dragon Gate USA, the rookie would prove to be a name to watch, his unnerving, sometimes disturbing character based promos riffing off cinematic psychos like Patrick €˜American Psycho€™ Bateman and Heath Ledger€™s Joker. But Moxley was one of a kind, his charisma and aptitude on the mic only part of his commitment to the trade. Whether in a technical wrestling match or a hardcore match, blood and all, Moxley was all about delivering the drama, every move, every facial expression in the ring purely about selling himself as a genuine, unpredictable nutjob. As part of the Shield in WWE under the name Dean Ambrose, Good has continued to dance with the girl that brought him to the party, cheerfully amping up his crazed persona in some areas, carefully toning it down in others as he received more exposure on television. Always the man you could guarantee would set light to the Shield€™s terrorist-style homemade promo videos, Ambrose has gone from strength to strength since going solo, drawing comparisons with the late, great Loose Cannon himself, Brian Pillman. Never less than totally compelling, never less than utterly convincing, the €˜Lunatic Fringe€™ Dean Ambrose would be higher on this list if he wasn€™t only just starting to deliver on his huge potential. Check back in a couple of years €“ he could be in the top five.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.