10 Insane Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Gimmicks

2. Right To Censor Were Inspired By The Parents Television Council

The Right to Censor were a heel stable who formed in the WWF in 2000 as a parody of the PTC (the Parents Television Council), which was an organisation that was protesting the level of violence and sexual content in WWF programming at the time and was threatening to boycott several of their sponsors. Wearing white shirts and black neck ties, the group consisted of six members throughout their tenure - those being the leader Steven Richards, Bull Buchanan, the Goodfather, Val Venis, Ivory and The Kat. Richards started the group by going around the WWF and covering up scantily clad women and preventing rowdy behaviour. He would go on to recruit a group of wrestlers who, humorously, used to be the worst culprits of the things they were trying to prevent. Godfather, for example, was a pimp who was accompanied by his "hoes" and Val Venis' used to have a pornstar gimmick.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.