10 Insane Inspirations Behind Famous Wrestling Gimmicks

5. Oz Was Inspired By The Wizard Of Oz

The inspiration behind this particular gimmick really doesn't need explaining, but its bizarre source means we really couldn't exclude it from this list. Professional wrestling and The Wizard of Oz are two things that couldn't be any more different. They are worlds apart, but Kevin Nash - who would go on to perform under his own name and as the monstrous Diesel - used the movie as inspiration for one of his early gimmicks, Oz. He dressed in green robes and wore a wizard mask and he was accompanied to the ring by his manager Merlin the Wizard, portrayed by Kevin Sullivan. When he got to the ring, he would remove the wizard costume and simply wrestle in lycra pants - and his in-ring performances had literally nothing to do with his gimmick.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.