10 Insane Vince McMahon Stories Everybody Believes
8. He Hates Sneezing

No-one likes germs, but most people accept them as an unavoidable part of every-day life, against which your best defence is to wash your hands every so often and carry a spare handkerchief in your coat pocket.
But Vince McMahon, apparently, goes one further than that. He hates sneezing, so much so that he regards it as a sign of weakness when people in his presence - including, so it seems, himself - fail to show enough restraint to hold it in.
Paul Heyman told a story on Stone Cold's podcast of how he was once walking Vince through a booking pitch when the chairman violently sneezed mid-sentence. Then, after noticing his boss suddenly seemed to go cold on the idea, he asked if there was something wrong.
Of course, Vince had - in his eyes - disgraced himself (and perhaps his family too) by failing to control an involuntary bodily function in the company of one of his employees. "In my world," he said, "there is no sneezing."