10 Insane Vince McMahon Stories Everybody Believes
4. Grappling With Kurt Angle
Vince McMahon doesn't always fight his wrestlers, but when he does, it seems, he makes sure it's on an airplane (which, if you think about it, is probably just about the worst possible idea).
This time, however, it was the already main event-established Kurt Angle, with whom Vince became embroiled in a grappling contest as the roster flew back from their European promotional tour.
The chairman of the board may have had a fighting chance against Kofi Kingston, but you have to imagine that he struggled to get the better of Olympic gold medalist Angle, who once claimed that he gave Brock Lesnar the run-around in an impromptu shoot-fight.
But that's something we'll never know for sure, because - according to legend - Undertaker, who was taking a nap at the time the fight broke out, woke up to the sight of his boss getting beaten up. Like the faithful employee he was, he promptly jumped to his feet and gave Angle a taste of his own medicine.