10 John Cena Matches That Won The Internet

1. John Cena Vs Kevin Owens(Elimination Chamber 2015)

Kevin Owens Taunt John Cena You Can't See Me Elimination Chamber 2015

What a match this was:Kevin Owens, in his WWE debut, defeating John Cena clean in what was an excellent twenty minute back and forth contest. Fans could scarcely believe it.

The action was incredible, with Cena noticeably taking his work and spots up to a new level. You could tell he wanted to compete with Owens' more indy style, and spots like the Springboard Stunner were designed to stand out.

After near falls and kick outs, the finish was Owens with the Pop Up Power Bomb. It was one of the matches of the year, and Cena earned major praise for being willing to put a new guy over like that. Can you imagine any other franchise star being that generous? It was amazing to see, and he definitely had victory in defeat, as the smarks appreciated what he had done for their indy darling.

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