10 Lamest WWE Survivor Series Teams Ever

4. The Royal Family (1994)

Survivor Series 1994 saw a match that came about when Jerry "the King" Lawler revived a year old feud with Doink by popping a balloon that was being held by Doink's midget sidekick Dink. Lawler then introduced his own midget sidekick called Queasy and the pair continued to introduce more over the next few weeks. As a result, the match in question was born. So, regarding this team, it ultimately ended up being a past-his-prime Jerry Lawler and three midgets named Queasy, Sleazy and Cheesy. Lawler's team won the farcical match with all of his team members surviving, but that doesn't change the fact that they were terrible and only really provided the kind of pointless comedy that professional wrestling wouldn't miss if it didn't exist.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.