10 Lamest WWE Survivor Series Teams Ever

3. Clowns 'R' Us (1994)

Here they are - the awful team that Jerry "the King" Lawler's almost equally awful Royal Family beat with consummate ease. Doink, Dink, Pink and Wink were brushed aside by Lawler, Queasy, Sleazy and Cheesy, with team leader Doink being the first team member to be eliminated, leaving his trio of midget sidekicks to fend for themselves. Of course, the three mini clowns were badly outmatched and they were all eliminated within six minutes of Doink being pinned by Lawler - with poor Dink being the final member of the team and finding himself in one-on-four situation before Sleazy pinned him - with every member of the King's team surviving and emerging victorious from one of the silliest matches in the history of Survivor Series.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.