10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Rumours You Need To Know

7. Seth Rollins Wins The Universal Title

Mick Foley Mankind Hell in a Cell Undertaker WWE

Even though it would run counter to all sorts of sensible booking, there are rumors that Seth Rollins will emerge from his Hell in a Cell match with Kevin Owens as the new Universal Champion. Still, this is WWE that we're talking about - does sensible booking really matter?

Ever since beating Rollins for the Universal Title (well, being given the Universal Title when Triple H beat Rollins), Owens has been horrendously booked as champion. He loses matches, he's not taken seriously, and his best moments have been comedy skits with partner Chris Jericho. His feud with Seth Rollins has been incredibly weak, as not only is Owens undermined as a champion and a heel, but Rollins is being booked terribly as a face.

So given the flop that Owens's run has been so far, could the company just pull the plug on it? Probably not. Even the most myopic members of the creative team have to realize that beating Owens now would mean that his reign as Universal Champion did him more harm than good. Better to give him (or, more accurately, the bookers) more of a chance to make it successful.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013