10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Rumours You Need To Know

6. A Big Bump

Mick Foley Mankind Hell in a Cell Undertaker WWE

Hell in a Cell is considered the most brutal match stipulation in WWE, and for good reason. The bout built a reputation off of wrestlers taking visually impressive but horribly dangerous bumps. In the inaugural bout, Shawn Michaels fell from the side of the cage through an announcers' table, and Mick Foley upped the ante in the second major Hell in a Cell, falling off the cage and then, minutes later, through it.

In recent years, that hasn't changed. When Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose fought at Hell in a Cell 2014, they took stereo HBK-style bumps from the side of the cage through tables, and at WrestleMania - the most recent HIAC match - Shane McMahon jumped from the top of the cage through a table in an attempt to break The Undertaker.

A similar bump could always happen at the show, but it doesn't need to. If it does, though, it'll probably be Rollins, who has shown willingness to put his body on the line before. According to rumor, though, Charlotte wanted to do a moonsault off the top of the cell, but the idea was shot down by management.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013