10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Rumours You Need To Know

3. Sasha Banks And Charlotte Will Go On Last

Mick Foley Mankind Hell in a Cell Undertaker WWE

Ever since it was announced that Sasha Banks and Charlotte were going to be wrestling in a Hell in a Cell match, fans have hoped to see them in the show's main event. It makes perfect sense for them to get the slot, as not only has their program been heated and lengthy, but the blowoff will be held in Banks's hometown.

Only one show in WWE history has ended with an all-women main event, and it was an NXT event - at last year's TakeOver: Respect, Bayley defended the brand's Women's Championship against Banks in an Iron Man match that received unanimous praise. The so-called "experiment" was a success.

So what's standing in the way of doing it this time? Pretty much nothing but stubbornness. According to reports, most of the people whose opinions matter are strongly in favor of letting Banks and Charlotte close out the show, but Vince McMahon - who, obviously, has final say - is not. While cooler heads may prevail and the right decision may end up made, it'll take a shift of the chairman's point of view.

There's also the issue of a big angle for the Owens-Rollins match, and if that is influencing the decision to have it go on last.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013