10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2016 Rumours You Need To Know

2. The Tag Title Match Sets Up One More Cesaro-Sheamus Showdown

Mick Foley Mankind Hell in a Cell Undertaker WWE

In a promotion where stupid decisions are the norm, the ending of the Sheamus-Cesaro best-of-seven series still stood out as ridiculous. After a month-long battle to see who would get a "championship opportunity," the final match ended in a draw. Commissioner Mick Foley then decided both men would get the title shot - they'd become a tag team and challenge The New Day for their belts.

There's no real question about who's going to win the match. The New Day have currently been Raw Tag Team Champions for 432 days, and since the high 300s, the announcers have been pushing that the champions are closing in on Demolition's all-time company record of 478 days (albeit that reign was with a different set of belts). At this point, it's a given that The New Day will end up with the longest tag title reign in WWE history.

So when Sheamus and Cesaro lose, is there a way to salvage their storyline? There could be, given that the two men still hate each other. Simply have them fight after the match, setting up one final bout to determine who wins the feud once and for all. It's easy, it's smart, and someone might actually get over.

Let's call the odds 50-50.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/scottfried. *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013