10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2017 Rumours You Need To Know

1. Jinder To Retain

Paige Bray Wyatt Wrestling Alleigances

Anyone hoping that Hell in a Cell could be Jinder Mahal's last pay-per-view as WWE Champion are likely to be disappointed, say Bleacher Report, who suggest that news the 'Modern Day Maharaja' will be in India on promotional duty later this month means he is odds-on to win his bout with Shinsuke Nakamura.

You can see the logic here: a triumphant champion is going to impress the overseas fans more than a recently-relieved one (although, given the recent trend for hot-potato title changes, there is a small chance he could lose on Sunday and win the belt back 48 hours later).

Besides, we already know that the 'King of Strong Style' will clash with Jinder again inside a steel cage at November's Starrcade - where, fingers crossed, he will finally make real those WWE Title dreams.

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