10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2017 Rumours You Need To Know

2. Part Of Shane Vs. KO Will Be Pre-taped

Paige Bray Wyatt Wrestling Alleigances

Anyone who has ever played a WWE video game will be bemused by the announcement that Sunday's main event will be a Falls Count Anywhere Hell in a Cell (aren't they all?) but it does raise one or two questions about how (and where) the match will go.

Clearly, KO plans on taking things up to the top of the cell - he's told us that much already - and given what we know about his opponent, there's a good chance Shane won't be climbing back down.

But Bryan Alvarez and Mike Sempervive have also floated the possibility that they could head off behind the curtain for a pre-taped segment - which would be a clever way of ensuring that the match can go the distance without 47-year-old Shane getting too gassed.

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