10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2017 Rumours You Need To Know
4. Undertaker Returning
Seldom has a pay-per-view passed since his WrestleMania 33 retirement without one or two murmurs that The Undertaker is imminently set to emerge from his Roman Reigns-induced grave.
Here's why you should believe it this time around.
First, it's Hell in a Cell, which - together with Buried Alive, the Casket Match and the Biker Chain Match - is famously the Deadman's favourite playground.
Second (and least convincingly), he shares a bit of history with Shane McMahon - particularly inside the demonic steel structure from which the SmackDown commissioner is probably going to leap on to Kevin Owens on Sunday.
Third, it's October, and... something something Halloween? It would be a good way to shift some of those Undertaker costumes in time for Trick or Treat season, basically.