10 Last-Minute WWE Hell In A Cell 2017 Rumours You Need To Know

3. Sami Zayn Turning Heel

Paige Bray Wyatt Wrestling Alleigances

This one also comes courtesy of Sportskeeda, and the argument is kind of persuasive.

Zayn, however loved by the fans (or, more precisely: the internet fans) is currently occupying the criminally under-used spot once held by the likes of Shelton Benjamin and, before him, Matt Hardy and Christian.

He needs something to help him shake off the mid-card shackles, and a reunion with his long-time Ring of Honor running mate Kevin Owens - who is, himself, as hot as he's ever been - could be just that.

Is it likely to happen? In truth: KO shouldn't really need any help to put Shane McMahon away, but an extra pair of hands can't hurt when you're trying to permanently maim someone (plus: logic and WWE don't always go hand-in-hand anyway).

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